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The real value of setting goals…

When I saw this quote it got me thinking…

Real Value
There are values in setting goals… The number 1 value  that it adds to our lives is the person we become while on the journey of setting goals and achieving & reaching them.

Today I want to share my personal view and opinion on the importance of setting goals for YOURSELF. We can so easily get discouraged or derailed from our goals the moment things get tough or we slipped up. We tend to experience the emotions of failure and disappointment in self the moment we slipped up! Whether you missed a workout or made a bad choice when it came to nutrition. Maybe your cheat meal ended in a cheat day and then snowballed to a cheat weak or month?! Can you relate, have you experienced the feeling of condemnation for not having enough willpower to succeed the first time? Well I have and its a terrible feeling indeed.

NOW how can we overcome this pattern and make it sustainable to reach our goal?

You can have the willpower to set out a short/long term goal BUT without a plan and a sustainable vision you are most likely to stumble and fail.

My advice is to take your overall goal and to break it up into smaller realistic goals…Let this be a journey and embrace it as an investment in yourself. Be realistic with yourself. This way you will be sure to reach your ultimate goal.

Then, set time frames for each and be sure to focus on them one step at a time. Once you overcome the first hurdle then think of and take on the second goal towards the “BIGGER goal”. You know yourself. Maybe you perform on rewards. Whatever it is do this for yourself. e.g If I lose 2 kg by week 3 I will buy myself a new training top. No matter what you DON’T purchase that top if you haven’t reached your personal goal. I promise you will take accountability for your decisions and this will form part of your commitment to what is important to you!

Your nutrition and training don’t have to be complex. By sticking to a fundamental, realistic, and systematic approach to your goals you are more likely to achieve them. Don’t over complicate things – This is often my problem and as a result I jump between diets and training programs. Don’t go there. Get a program, stick to it and pull it through! Get to know your body and what works for YOU.

I’m sharing this and believe it is a good read for those in need of change.


First and foremost, you need a plan that is curtailed to your needs, goals, and lifestyle. You can’t pick up your husband’s, brother’s, or cousin’s workout plan and expect it to work. Before you jump in, sit down and think about what you want and why. If you’re not absolutely positive about what you want or why you want it, then you’ll struggle to follow through. It might seem like a really basic first step, but it’s the one most people fail to do.

You also need to be realistic. I see too many people with the get-back-into-my-high-school-jeans-by-tomorrow mindset fall off the wagon. Sure that’s a great goal for the long term, but you need to ask yourself: What am I capable of right now? If you are 50 or more pounds overweight, thinking you’ll be down to a size 32 in a matter of weeks will set you up for failure. Instead of focusing on that big, 50-pound goal, take a smaller bite. Try, “I will lose five pounds by the end of the month.” It may not be a drastic change, but achieving it will feel great and will serve as excellent motivation.

Additionally, choose a goal that bolsters your health and well-being and doesn’t just focus on the way you look. By improving your overall health, you’ll feel better, sleep better, think better, and live better!

Successful goal-achievers also pay constant attention to their progress. Write down your goal in hardcopy journal, in a phone app, or on BodySpace! This way you can revisit and assess how you’re doing.


True, training is probably the most difficult aspect to figure out. When I first began, I would walk into the gym and train my chest, biceps, and triceps. I would do this every single day. If this sounds familiar, that’s OK—you have to start somewhere.

This year, instead of doing some biceps curls and then heading to the treadmill, follow this basic system:

Build Muscle Shed Body Fat
Weight training frequency 3-6 days per week 4-6 days per week
Rep range 6-10 10-15
Rest periods 1-2 minutes 30-45 seconds
Lifting load Heavier weight Lighter weight
Cardio frequency 2-4 times per week 4-6 times per week
Cardio duration 10-30 minutes 15-50 minutes

Like I said before, the most important aspect of training is to support your goals. If you want to gain muscle, aim for longer rest periods between sets, exercise with heavier weights, and shoot for lower rep ranges. If you want to shed body fat, train with lighter weight, high reps, and short rest periods.

Remember, this doesn’t need to be super complex! It is better to keep it simple. The key is constant progress. Each week try more weight, more reps, or shorter rest periods. Record your workouts so you can keep track of your progression.

Although resistance training will be the most effective way to achieve your physique goals, I like to encourage cardio. If your goal is to gain muscle, keep your cardio sessions to just three times per week. Use high-intensity interval training (HIIT) techniques to ensure the preservation of your hard-earned muscle. If you want to lose body fat, I still suggest HIIT, but I’d increase the session frequency to 4-6 times per week and increase the duration.

Finally, you have to rest. Spending days away from the gym will allow your body adequate time to rebuild and repair. You can schedule rest days whenever they best fit your schedule, but don’t leave them out!


Nutrition might be the last thing I’ve written about, but it’s the most important part of your progress—it always trumps training. Despite its importance, people tend to overlook it because they “work so hard” in the gym. You can kill yourself every day, but if you supplement that training with cupcakes and hot chocolate, you won’t see gains or losses where you want them.

I also see people eat too little. The point of your fitness resolution is to make lasting change. Nobody wants to lose 50 pounds and then gain it all back again, right? A month-long liquid diet or 1,000-calorie plan might work in the short term, but they won’t provide you the nutrition for a healthy mind and body or the building blocks for a lifestyle change.

Don’t make it complicated. Simply put, your calories should come from all the major macro-nutrients: fat, carbohydrates, and protein. You need all of them— there isn’t a magic way to meet your goal by eliminating one or the other! Eat more protein than you think you need, don’t skimp on complex carbohydrates, and don’t skip healthy fats. Don’t worry about counting calories just yet. Get in the gym, eat whole, nutrient-dense food, drink plenty of water, and cut out the processed crap.

Similar to goal-setting and training, it’s important to keep track of your diet in a journal, app, or BodySpace. Write down what you eat, how you feel, and any other aspects of your nutrition you’d like to chart.


We covered the essentials, but there’s one more thing I need to cover. To be a success story, find something fitness-related that you enjoy doing. Whether it’s Zumba, CrossFit, bodybuilding, cycling, or powerlifting, do what you like. If you hate what you’re doing, then it’s difficult to be motivated to get back in and do it again. Furthermore, your fitness and your goals are personal. Make sure whatever you do is going to help you be the best you.

You have the tools to succeed. Now go do it!



S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Accountable
R – Realistic
T – Time-frame

From my side my friends, I want to encourage you to take up this goal, challenge yourself and go out and DO IT FOR YOURSELF. For no other reason but YOURSELF. If you failed before so be it. Don’t dwell on the past or where you find yourself at this moment. Take it one small step at a time and be proud of every single healthier choice that you make.

We all mess up some point or another – I did too but NOW is the time to get back up, look up and NEVER EVER GIVE UP on yourself.

Be passionate about what you do and always give your best. You deserve to look and feel your best. Value yourself enough to make the changes toward becoming the BEST VERSION OF YOU!

I believe in you, so now believe in yourself.

You can follow me on Twitter:


Facebook: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson:


Have a fit and fabulous week everyone.


It is all about the journey…

My topic today is: It is all about the journey…

HEALTH | FITNESS | LOVE | COMMITMENT | DEDICATION | TEARS | SWEAT | JOY = REWARD – only to mention a few keywords, there is so much to say…

As most of you know I’m prepping for the WBFF South Africa taking place Friday 20th & Saturday 21st June 2014 at Carnival City Casino. This will be my first ever Fitness Stage Bikini Competition and believe me what a journey indeed.

WBFF South Africa


I took a moment to sit down and recap on how far I have come and in the process I realized my deep passion for the sport! From being so unhealthy, fat, low self-esteem to being fit, happy, content, and blessed where I’m at. Some people say but WHERE do I start…Or they think about the duration of the journey to reach their goal and that in itself is discouraging for some BUT today I want to encourage YOU!

Take the first step, you will never look back!

This sums it up for me:

Working out and eating clean doesn’t have to be a chore, have fun with it…


You have to get the right mindset and stop seeing this as an obligation and a chore, but rather an investment in your health and overall life.

So many moan non stop about their diets, the schlep of working out, prepping food etc…Well I cannot wait to food prep not even to mention my gym hour.

As a single mommy this to me is absolutely necessary. Doing something for myself only for it to be a benefit to my beautiful princess girl. I want to be the kind of mommy to whom she will look up to and see an example of living a healthy lifestyle. I want her to value herself enough to one day take care of her body & mind. I believe with working out and a good nutritional diet there comes a sense discipline and commitment. This I believe will form part of your everyday life whether in your workplace or in an environment surrounded by others. Be an inspiration to yourself first and then to others. Believe in yourself and you’re halfway there.

People ask me how do I get abs, or have time to food prep or go to the gym, or how do I get the time with a 1 year old girl? Well I make time and prioritize and set boundaries with certain things in my life!!

Well let me tell you it is all about consistency. I have abs all year round, why? Because this is my lifestyle this is part of who I am. I don’t believe in quick fix diets etc and I don’t see my lifestyle as being on a diet. I love my food and I make sure I fuel my body with the best. And yes of course I cheat and have sweets and the occasional night out partying but AGAIN its about consistency. No matter what I stay to my routine and I will be in gym the following day. Stop condemning yourself for the bad choices you make. Get up and go on…

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.” Lao Tzu

Make it fun and love the journey…

This is some of the pics of my journey the last month or two…

Let me start at the beginning – This little beauty is my little princess. She is what my life is about. I live, breath and do EVERYTHING for her. I strive to be the BEST EVERY single day.


This is what my life is about…LOVE this angel with my life

Secondly I want to share my excitement that I my sponsorship with USN Ultimate Sports Nutrition has been extended for another year. I’m so grateful to be part of the USN family and so passionate about the brand. I believe in the best and only the best and this is the ONLY Supplements that I use…

Thank you USN for an amazing 3+ years I am honored to represent the Brand. Visit the website or please do ask if you need more information:

I adjust my supplement plan as I go along to form part of my goal.



My monthly supplement supply. Blessed to be sponsored by the best!

The beginning of my journey to WBFF…


All about dedication & having fun in the process..

week 1&2

My food prep for week 1 & 2


I lift & squat bro…Love my new training vests…


Then the USN Gala Evening – This was the high-lite of my evening when I had the honor of meeting Bella Falconi. Wow she is a true inspiration. Again an athlete who breaths success and who is a true example of consistency.


Myself and Bella Falconi – She is such an inspiration.

This is my current progress on the ABS – I’m going for 8 😉 so lets see how the definition goes along as my diet gets adjusted













































Then thank you for each and every one of my Blog & Facebook & Instagram & Twitter followers. There is so many amazing people that I got to meet over time and I appreciate each one of you. If you havent followed me yet please do so @ClaudineKidson

Every comment, every like, every share, every Inbox message is what makes this journey even more rewarding. I want you to be the best version of yourself.

Good-luck to all those prepping for shows – Be YOUR best!

Have a super amazing Easter Weekend and don’t overindulge more than you can handle 😉 Stay fit and think fit…


YOUR life can and WILL be changed!

If I could do it so can you!

First things first…Do you want to enter the USN 12 Week Challenge 2012 then you have to start by purchasing your 12 Week Body Transformation Starter Pack. Supplements included in the starter pack will be:

(This will last you approximately 3-4 weeks)

  1. Pure CLA 1000 (45’s)
  2. Phedra-Cut Ultra XT (60’s)
  3. Diet Fuel Ultralean (1kg)
  4. Protein Dessert (454g)

What I would add to this:

  1. Women’s Ultra Two-a-day Daily Vitamin
  2. USN OMEGA PRO 3,6,9
  3. Phedra Cut Ultra SF (for the evenings) / Lipo

If you don’t want to enter the competition and only do the Challenge you can buy the products separately. There are great specials available and I would suggest you buy the combo packs for they work out much cheaper in the end.

Next: So lets do a quick breakdown on each product explaining the function of each supplement.

Tip: It is a good idea to get clued up on the supplements that you will be using. Not only to educate yourself on the role it plays but for you to know what you are fuelling your body with. As the Challenge Progress we will add to the supplements but for now this is the most important…

Before I begin it is so important to know your supplements and what you put into your mouth. Why do I use USN? First of all I must give them credit on their AMAZING customer support and advice.

Gareth Powell from USN has been of amazing support throughout my Challenge. All my questions have always been answered and more. So before I go any further thank you Gareth and the team at USN for making each customer/individual feel valued as a client and for the exceptional products!

This is the link to their website: USN – Ultimate Sports Nutrition

Email Gareth at USN should you have any queries on this 12 Week challenge or for some advice:

Trust me even though this is allot of information make the time to read through it and get the foundation right of your knowledge beforehand.


A daily multi-vitamin designed for the female who requires an essential supplement for a balanced, nutritious diet.


USN WOMEN’S TWO A DAY is a scientifically formulated, nutrient rich multi-vitamin/multi nutrient, designed for the active female who has specific micronutrient demands for the continued maintenance of good health, immune support and energy availability.


Daily with breakfast.


  • Increased energy levels
  • Improves overall performance
  • Stimulates cognitive function
  • High in antioxidants

Improves immune function


A combination of Omega-9 (mono-unsaturated fatty acids) and Omega-3 and -6 (poly-unsaturated fatty acids). Omega-3 and -6 are Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s).


USN OMEGA PRO consists of a combination of Omega-9 (mono-unsaturated fatty acids) and Omega-3 and -6 (poly-unsaturated fatty acids) – Omega-3 and -6 are essential fatty acids.

All these fatty acids are necessary for the formation of healthy cell membranes, the proper development and functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the production of hormone-like substances called eicosanoids (thromboxanes, leukotrienes, prostaglandins).

These chemicals regulate numerous body functions, including blood pressure, blood viscosity, and vasoconstriction, immune and inflammatory response. They have profound beneficial effects on the body an influence hormone production, immunity and cardiovascular health in addition, they keep the skin and other tissues youthful.


  • Daily with food.


  • Optimises metabolic function
  • Balances hormone production
  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Boosts sports performance
  • Reduces exercise related pain


Phedra-Cut Lipo XT provides all the benefits of the Phedra-Cut Ultra XT, but now includes a patent-pending encapsulated form of premium, highly concentrated natural capsicum extract, Capsimax™, which protects the esophagus and gastric barrier from the burn often experienced with cayenne pepper and its extracts. Due to the protective nature of this encapsulation, a higher quantity of capsicum actives form part of the formula, making it even more effective as a weight control aid.


USN’s Phedra-Cut Lipo XT is an advanced fat loss activator, consisting of a synergistic blend of botanical ingredients, which have proven to assist in effective weight control.Not recommended for pregnant/lactating women.


  • Prior to meals.


  • Thermogenesis
  • Supports a healthy metabolism
  • Reduced carb absorption
  • Appetite control
  • Reduced glucose production in liver
  • Inhibited fat cell formation (Anti-adipogenic activity)
  • Mood & mental acuity enhancement
  • Anti-oxidation during fat breakdown
  • Energy boosting


As a dietary supplement, take 2-3 capsules 2-3 times daily, 30 minutes prior to meals/snacks. If training early morning, take 2-3 capsules prior to workout, and then follow with breakfast directly after training. Phedra-Cut Lipo XT is not recommended after 4pm.Take Phedra-Cut Lipo XT for 5 consecutive days of the week and stop use for 2 days before continuing again (2 off days).Optional: Take 3 capsules Phedra-Cut Stimulant Free 30 minutes before your evening meal to prolong the weight control process to an even greater extent throughout the evening.
During the 2 off days of not using Phedra-Cut Lipo XT, it is advised to use Phedra-Cut Stimulant Free 2 times per day, 30 minutes prior to meals.



An advanced, multi-phase extreme thermogenic, fast activating fat loss activator, scientifically formulated to rapidly increase fat metabolism, appetite suppression and to boost energy production.


PHEDRA-CUT ULTRA XT is an advanced fat loss activator, consisting of a synergistic blend of natural ingredients, which have all proven to assist in safe and effective weight loss.

Benefits of PHEDRA-CUT XT:

• Increased fat burning activity (incl. abdominal fat)
• Blood glucose regulation (which may eliminate cravings)
• Reduced carbohydrate absorption
• Appetite suppression
• Reduced glucose production in the liver
• Reduced fat accumulation
• Inhibit fat cell formation (Anti-adipogenic activity)
• Mood and mental acuity enhancement
• No estrogenic interactions
• Anti-oxidation during fat breakdown
• Energy boosting


Prior to meals.


  • Increased fat burning activity
  • Advanced blood glucose regulation
  • Reduced carbohydrate absorption
  • Appetite suppression
  • Reduced glucose production in the liver
  • Mood and mental acuity enhancement
  • Inhibits fat cell formation
  • Antioxidant effect
  • Energy-boosting
  • Non-hormonal


A non-stimulant primary weight loss supplement designed to optimise the metabolic pathways associated with increase fat and carbohydrate metabolism without increasing thermogenisis or central nervous system activity.


PHEDRA-CUT ULTRA SF has been formulated for individuals wishing to achieve optimal weight-control and energy levels, without central nervous system stimulation.

It can also be used in combination with Phedra-Cut Ultra XT to continue the weight-regulating process during the night as well as over weekends.

  • Increased fat burning activity (without CNS stimulation)
  • Blood glucose regulation (which may eliminate cravings)
  • Reduced carb absorption
  • Appetite suppression
  • Reduced fat accumulation (also in liver)
  • Mood & mental acuity enhancement
  • Anti-oxidation during fat breakdown
  • Energy boosting
  • May lower the level of CRP (C-reactive protein) in the body and hence reduce leptin resistance.


  • Prior to meals.


  • Decreases weight and fat mass
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Improves blood glucose regulation
  • Reduces starch digestion
  • Inhibits amalayse enzyme production
  • Improves thyroid function
  • Increases fat and glycogen metabolism
  • Improves metabolic function and energy levels
  • Non-hormonal


A non-stimulant weight loss supplement that supports weight loss and the metabolic processes involved with fat burning. With further health benefits including blood sugar regulation to promote a lean physique.


Conjugated Linoleic Acid is seen as a “wonder nutrient” that occurs naturally in a wide variety of foods such as beef, some dairy products and turkey.

This “wonder nutrient” has been scientifically proven to inhibit the process that is responsible for the deposition of fat in the body (especially in the abdominal and leg areas). CLA directs the body to use fat reserves for energy. Research has shown CLA to increase lean muscle while reducing body fat. A number of other studies also revealed dramatic cholesterol-reducing effects with CLA supplementation.

USN CLA 1000 primarily provides the Cis 9, Trans 10 and Trans 11, Cis 12 isomers in a 50:50 ratio, as recommended for optimal efficiency. Supplementing with CLA should result in a leaner, healthier body.


  • With or directly after meals.


  • Promotes fat metabolism
  • Protect lean muscle mass
  • Increases energy expenditure
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Enhances immune function
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Prevents high cholesterol


Premium high protein
Low-carbohydrate meal replacement
Contains the USN Lean System for effective weight management


USN DIET FUEL ULTRALEAN represents the newest and most advanced technology for the reduction of body fat as well as the maintenance of lean muscle tissue.

This delicious, low-GI, low-kJ meal replacement formula provides you with a complete, nutritious meal for anytime of the day. It contains all the essential nutrients in adequate quantities to ensure healthy and lasting weight loss.

The USN Lean System blend consists of N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine, HCA (Hydroxycitric acid) and a high level of bio-available Calcium, which has been shown to assist the weight-loss process through various effective mechanisms (excluding central nervous system stimulation).

The formula has a high fibre content to increase satiety levels and to assist with digestion. The reduction in hunger is further promoted through the addition of 25g High Biological Value Protein from various sources, which triggers a natural weight loss hormone (PYY) in the body.

The high quality Protein substrates also assist in improving Protein synthesis, regulating blood sugar levels to reduce cravings and improving overall health. Lactazyme is added to assist in the breakdown of Milk Protein and improved absorption.


  • As a dietary supplement
  • Two servings daily at 10:00am and again at 3:00pm


  • Muscle retention
  • Muscle growth
  • Stabilises blood sugar levels
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Increases fat and glucose metabolism

Remember to take your first “BEFORE” photos with your measurements the day you start your challenge.

I’m here to assist you if you have ANY QUESTIONS. My 12 week training program as almost done for those who will be interested.

Take on this Challenge you CAN DO THIS, you will never ever look back.

Happy Friday,


Click on the image to download your diet for your fridge!

USN – Post Challenge Claudine 22 May 2012

Hi all my fit and fabulous friends. If you’ve missed Expresso this morning check it out here.

Stay motivated throughout the cold winter months, set new goals and make sure you keep your program interesting at all times!

Don’t let the winter months get to you and set you back on where you want to be. During the colder months we tend to reach out to warmer comforting foods and beverages. Make sure to go for the healthier options!

Keep up the hard work and work around those cold mornings, even if you don’t always feel like it get out of bed go to gym and before you know it you will feel energized and ready for the day!

Beautiful Monday…

Hello all my amazing friends following my blog – Welcome to a new bright and beautiful week – Monday…

How was your weekend? I had a super amazing weekend. There is nothing like spending time with good friends…Had so much laughs, fun and such a great time!

First of all does this sound familiar to you: “I’ll start Monday with my diet”, “I will focus again on Monday” or whatever the sentence or context its used in can you associate with it?

Well I sure can 😉 and believe most of us can – BUT today I want to tell you that no matter what day of the week YOU CAN make healthier choices, even if your day started of being an emotional roller coaster or if you did slip up having that chocolate – Put it behind you and let the next choice be a healthier one getting you closer to reaching your goals!

I can confess today that I have slipped up, majorly not even only a little; but you know what that is the amazing part? You are the one in charge and you CAN make a difference in your life! We all have weaknesses I can tell you that but does everyone admit it?

I’m an emotional eater and whenever I feel down, depressed I reach for sweets…There is nothing that can set you back as much us sweets with high amounts of sugar/corn syrup etc which can also be found in processed foods. You have to pinpoint your weak points and take hold of it and change it…You absolutely do have the power to change and you have the willpower to turn it around. Don’t let it take hold of you. An addiction/bad habit can be anything from smoking, binge eating, exercise abuse, alcohol or whatever leaves you with the feeling of being dependent on “it”!

Conclusion: Take the time today even for 5 minutes and think about the things that is holding you back. Whether in your personal life, your fitness goals, your relationships or just in general. Write it down and start to get a action plan TODAY! Mine is the fact that sweets is like an addiction, once I start I don’t have the power to stop BUT TODAY this will change. I make a declaration to myself that I am stronger than the temptation and I can resist it…

This is another reason I have a blog…Not to put up a front of who I am not but by sharing my imperfections helping others to become their best.

So my promise to myself this week is to say no to sweet cravings/chocolates/sugar. Come on lets stand together and help each other to overcome some obstacles. Is there something that is holding you back today? Lets take 1 day and 1 step at a time.

Hope you have a super fabulous week – Get active – Get into the gym – Eat clean – Work hard – Smile – Be positive – Love your body – Don’t condemn yourself – Speak life!!

Pumpkin/Cashew Protein Mini Breads


250ml Applesauce baby food

1 ½ Tsp Ground Ginger

2 Tsp Ground Cinnamon

1 Tsp Xylitol Sugar

½ Tsp Clove

1 Tsp Baking Soda

1 Tsp Baking Powder

½ Tsp Salt

2 Tsp Vanilla Essence

4 Large Egg Whites

+- 200g raw pumpkin or as much as you prefer (cook after measuring and then mix together)

2 Cups Oat Flour (Ground oats until like flour)

½ Cup Fat Free Milk

2 Scoops Vanilla Whey Protein

½ Cup Ground Cashew/Walnuts


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

Spray your baking tray (squares) with non-sticking spray

Combine dry ingredients and mix well, add baby food, raw pumpkin and Fat Free Milk together.

Spread the batter into your baking tray and bake for 25minutes. (Can be longer; test the middle of the mini bread to see if cooked right through)

12 Mini Bread

Inspired by Jamie Eason



Believe in yourself…

Whoop whoop a new day, a new mind, new beginnings, and one step closer to a new you…

Did you fall of the wagon a bit??Please don’t feel condemned, get back up and focus ahead. Don’t let your failures keep you from reaching your best!

Ladies (and gents 😉 how was your day? How are things going with your challenge? Are you still on track and motivated towards your end goal. I just realized again today how big of a need there is out there for people to live a healthier lifestyle or to look and feel great as a person. It is in reach for you to become the best you could be…By the right amount of dedication, support and motivation you can change so many things.

It is human to struggle or to sometimes feel depressed but that is where you need friends or family to help pick you up and carry you towards the finish line.

I’m talking about these things for I have been there and I know it can get difficult at times…

If I close my eyes I can remember each feeling that I felt being fat, without confidence, bloated, depressed, tired and so the list can go on…

Quick reminder this is me a few weeks/months ago 18 August 2011. This is one of the better pics that I chose you should see from the side. When looking at this I remember the way I felt inside…

I know some might think…ahhhh she’s not that fat, well let me tell you I felt exactly like a person who is 30kg over weight. I went through the same emotions, difficulties etc…

Whether you are 5kg overweight or 15kg, we all go through some of the same emotions and feelings etc.

This was me 12 weeks later 10 November 2011…

This is now the latest pic taken on the new years weekend…Obviously I hold my breath to show some abs ;-)­­

What am I trying to say? I don’t want to show of on a photograph but I want you to realize that YOU CAN achieve your goals…I wish I could motivate each and everyone visiting this blog. Or those going through a bad patch in life — it will be ok! You don’t have to look like a super model in 1 week. You took months to get where you’re at so give your body the time to adjust and transform. Whatever challenge you are on make it sustainable and let it become a lifestyle.

Don’t see it as a diet or another 12 week challenge…See it as a lifestyle. I’m on week 2 of the LiveFit trainer (you can download it under LiveFit). I’m not doing another challenge to see how much more weight I can lose, I’m doing it because I believe I can be in even better shape and more healthy. I’m doing it because I love working out and to keep myself challenged on a training program etc.         Do I really want to compete in the Fitness industry — No I actually don’t want to! I was approached by so many people asking me about doing competitions etc that I got so confused at one point not knowing what I want to do, and when I sat down really thinking about it I realized it is not me, I don’t want to…Why must I put so much pressure on something I enjoy doing so much, and take the fun out of it?? Maybe I will be in such good shape by April/August that I will compete who knows? But I don’t have to set a competition date for myself to keep me motivated to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

I’m at a point in my life where I want to enjoy every single thing I do. To live life passionately and to appreciate every single day like it is a gift from God.

To reach, inspire, to help and to motivate people…That was and is my goal.

Please comment below if this makes any sense…Sometimes it feels as if I’m blogging for myself, but I realized that is also ok! If my words can touch or encourage 1 out of the 11 000 blog visitors then my goals are achieved!

Be positive, be strong, and believe in yourself!

You ABSOLUTELY do have the power to change and YOU are beautiful no matter what!
